Monday, October 24, 2011

God. A Grand Speculation. (BETA)

God is only a construct of the human psyche.

This is based on naturalism. As I like to put it, the natural is what we wake up to every day. What we know exists because it just does. We can stop believing in it, and it's still there...

   There really is no disputing that we are all sense based creatures. We see, smell, hear, feel, and taste the world. What we interpret from these senses are purely a product of our mind's often faulty interpretation of information.
If I see the color blue, I am receiving photons of a certain spectral form which then my mind weighs against my other senses, and what they are percieving at that moment. Eventually I see blue (it could actually be a different color, but if the surrounding environment and other sensory perception leads my mind to blue, that is what I see). This is just how we work.
   These senses are beyond slightly fallible. We can hallucinate, have insane dreams, and even completely change personality, or who we are our proverbial soul, with a little viral infection or brain damage.We also like to order things from a child putting the square block in the square hole to Faces, patterns, and so much more... We like to make order of coincidence as well.
   Here is a demonstration of this from my own experience. When I go to the super market I say a little prayer (I know, atheist blasphemy). It goes like this, "Asphaulta, Asphaulta, goddess of grace, please will you grant me a parking space?" This is said with the implied intention of getting not only a parking space, but a good one, preferably up front. When I say this little wish, some of the time I get a space right up front, sometimes a little further back, rarely though do I not get one. Of course that goes without saying. There always will eventually be a space for me to park. The interesting thing is it happens that I tend to remember and cherish the instances where I get spaces up front more vividly. Something in me fools me into thinking that saying this prayer improves my chances of a closer space. Any statistician would tell you that's a matter of chance, in reality. But in my mind, in some way, I think I am, or rather Asphaulta is, making a difference.
We sensory creatures see not just order, but also interaction where there is really only random coincidence. This disposition leads us to come up with all sorts of reasons, true or false, for things to happen. The concept of god comes from this. Our testimonies about god also come from a mixture of our fallible senses, and our desire to make sense of everything..
   There is no reason other than presumptive hypothesis to assume that god exists. Belief in spite of this is supported by followers of religion because they are conditioned by society, churches, parents, etc... to perceive certain experiences to be explained by god. To further back the idea of god, psychologically, we have the problem of mortality and no control. God, the concept, helps us with these dilemmas by comforting us with ideas of control, via perceived prayer, and protection. In reality there is no need for god as an explanation for any experience at all. Coincidence is everywhere and supposed successful prayer, as displayed with Asphaulta, is only our ordering of it. It really is just our want to believe and often our lack of understanding of our perception.

God is only a grand speculation.